Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Land Life Blues

Stuck on land, but at least I get some sushi

Been a very light week for me.  I've been stuck in a Sales School all week in North Carolina.  Oh if only I was floating in an anchorage somewhere farther south.

But it looks like one way or the other I'll get some sailing in on a friends boat this weekend when I get back.


  1. Naughty Chris...Sushi without Capt'n & Doll!!!
    What part of NC?? Agree about being further south and ON the water!!!
    Smiles...Doll (& Capt'n too)

  2. I know - I'm soo mean! I'm in Raleigh. Unfortunately other then dinner, it's been class and meetings. So I haven't really gotten out to see much :(

  3. Got a new blog to add to your list!

    Check them out!
    Doll (& Capt'n too)

  4. Well now that I'm back home, and done with that nasty work stuff in NC, I'll get right on that! :)
