If you've read this blog at all you already know that I am stuck on land, and boatless. I know, it's a tragic story that should not befall a kind soul such as myself. But since that's where I find myself currently, it's time to start figuring out how to get this landlubber some sailing action. A guy I met during the one class I took has offered to take me along with him when he goes. I think I will take him up on that as often as I can. He will be trying during the weekdays - so nobody go ratting me out to my boss! Unfortunately this past week it has been in the high 90's all week, and not a whisper of wind. He doesn't yet have a slip for his boat, so we'll have to do the whole trailer thing, and he didn't think it was worth the hassle of sitting in a lake with no wind. Hopefully the wind will once again visit Ohio soon, and I join can him.
Another option I'm looking into, and one that I've had a few people recommend to me, is to volunteer to crew (or at the vary least be rail meat) during local sailing club races. So with that in mind I headed out to the almighty Google to look for some clubs in the area.
This lake is a little over an hour from my house. It's 5260 acres, with no HP limit (I saw a big ole Cigar boat on there during my class), so there are some obstacles here and there. But it seems pretty lively, and there are quite a few sailors on this lake.
BLSA Website
Cowan Lake Sailing Association |
The lake is smaller, only 700 acres. But it's also only 30 minutes from my house, and has a 10HP limit on the lake.
CLSA Website
Caesar Creek Sailing Association |
This is bigger then Cowan, at 2,830 acres. It's about the same distance as Cowan, but does not have a HP limit.
CCSA Website
Hueston Sailing Association |
A small, 625 acre lake about 40 minutes from the house. 10 HP limit on this lake as well.
HSA Website
So I emailed all 4 of those clubs just to get some initial information. And 3 of the 4 almost emailed me back instantly. Sailors are a very welcoming community it seems. So it looks like I'm going to have the opportunity to go be rail meat fairly soon. I figure even as I'm sitting there adding my sufficient amount of weight to the boat, I can pick up on how the boats are being sailed. Maybe I can even become a regular crew member for the races. If that works out well, I'll probably crew all racing season next year as well. At that point both of the kids will be off to college, and then it may be time to think about moving to a boat. At least that's my best case scenario dream!